Take this Fulbright & Alton Carroll…and, read it. Paul Horne & Arvol Looking Horse denouced by the Cheyenne River Lakota Tetuwan Tribe!

This Press Release came about after HakiktaWin-Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree provided her linage, photos, & documentation, & requested the Cheyenne River Tribe to review Quest for the Pipe of the Sioux, As Viewed From Wounded Knee in 2005.

One must ask why as late as only a few months ago Arvol Looking Horse & phil Lane Jr were still marketing themselves against the wishes of Arvols own Lakota Cheyenne River Tribal Elders….

This infomation should also be reviewed along with Marie Elk Head Fiddlers UTube video, unfortunately…the only thing that has been proven here is, the Pte Hincala Cannunpa Kin has not been at Green Grass, South Dakota for a very long time, and all efforts to make the public believe that the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe is still in the possession of the Elk Head-Fiddlers has been shown beyond any doubt… on the Elk Head page on www.lookingbackwoman.ca to be untrue.

So, the truth has prevailed…Dr Alton Carroll, NAFPS.org site, and Fulbright University….


A meeting was convened by the Sicangu Lakota Grass Roots Oyate on October 21st, 2006, at the Rosebud Casino Conference Room located on the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Reservation in South Central South Dakota. Approximately 100 people were in attendance from the Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Oyate which included Naca Itahcan Ominiciye, Traditional Chiefs and Headsmen, Treaty councils, Tetuwan Sioux Nation Treaty Council, Spiritual leaders and other organizations and lineal descendants of our chiefs, elders and First Ladies of our Nation.

The highlight of discussion included: Exploitation of Sacred Ceremonies with Wolakota Foundations’ overall coordinator and promoter, Paula Horn-Mullen and her questionable activities. Speakers on this issue were:

Vivian High Elk; lineal descendant of the pipe keepers, an enrolled member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.

Stacey Low Dog, former volunteer for Wolakota Foundations’ World Peace and Prayer Day activities, and an enrolled member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.

Martina Looking Horse, eldest female sibling to the Keeper of the pipe, and an enrolled member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.

Francis Zephier; a concerned member of exploitation issues and an enrolled member of the Yankton Sioux Tribe.

Vivian stated the issue being presented is an internal issue for our people and needs to be addressed by our concerned Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Nation. She expressed concern that the Protection of Sacred Ceremonies Proclamation wasn’t being adhered to by Wolakota Foundations’ overall coordinator Paula Horn as the Sacred Pipe is the center of their fund raising activities, and that Wolakota Foundation is a non-profit, 501©(3) and is a United States sanctioned corporation, which is a blatant violation of our Traditional Law, which many of our ancestors fought and died for. It is the most Precious and Sacred of all things that is for our Nation and our Way of Life. It has been observed that the administration of this has been for the benefit of a few individuals that surround Paula Horn. Exploitation of the Canunnpa has been going on for years and must be stopped.

Stacey Low Dog offered documents as evidence of the amount of monies Paula solicited in the name of Arvol and our Sacred Bundle. She raised the question: is the Keeper a Spiritual Leader or a Corporate Leader? As he’s being manipulated to allow this activity of exploiting the Bundle and himself by his partner and the monies that only benefit Paula and her family. That if anyone questions her activities she labels them trouble makers and enemies of Arvols’ and uses character assassinations to deter them. Wolakota Foundation, under the guidance of Paula Horn has used the Cannunpa as a marketing tool, and money making scheme that benefits none of our people, or the youth she proposes to work with, and it is only benefiting her and her family, as she is operating this foundation as it is a personal bank account to do as she sees fits. She writes fraudulent proposals and acts like a telemarketer as she is on the phone 24/7 soliciting donations for Arvol and the foundation, and shields all the calls coming in. The financial records show Paula as the main beneficiary of these activities.

Martina Looking Horse presented the dissension Paula has created among her family and the accusations she has made against Martina. She has been aware of Paula’s’ activities for a long time. Support was offered against the exploitation against the bundle.

Francis Zephier stated the exploitation is not isolated to only Wolakota Foundation and talked of ceremonies including white people. She has been waiting for exploiting of our ceremonies to be stopped for years and that the Cannunpa belongs to all of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Nation. She stated that people with money should not be the only ones allowed to have access to the ways of our Cannunpa. She read a written Petition being offered to the people in attendance which was read and accepted to be put into action immediately. She offered support against exploitation.

The Petition will be shared with the Ikce Wicasa/Win for signatures to be collected. Further discussion will take place in another scheduled meeting to be held November 18th, 2006 on the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Reservation in St. Francis, South Dakota where it was decided upon that Arvol and his partner will be invited to attend to answer the allegations in question.

Alfred Bone Shirt who moderated the meeting states, “She manipulated the Keeper to engulf the Cannunpa in the laws of the United States government as it is the basis of their 501©(3) corporation which is signed by the Keeper and promoted by Paula Horne in a despicable, money making, marketing scheme to raise money that only benefits her and her family, and to further her own personal agenda. The Cannunpa is subject to the U.S. government laws as their corporation is based on it, as well as Arvol being subjected to these laws as well.”

Even though he is a recipient of a United Nations Peace award the people presenting the award did hot do any investigations or talk to our people to see if he is living his work among his people. The people have been living a life of duress and poverty and there has been no easement of it through his organization. By Paula remaining in that Sacred Area, she continues to bring Wa’asbya to our Bundle with all of her negative attitudes and energies’ she displays. The Cannunpa is a spirit and you can’t have negative thoughts, feelings and energies’ around it. The emails she puts out is record of these energies as she’s less than a 100 feet away from the pipe house.


Whereas, on October 21st 2006, a meeting was held on the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Indian Reservation, against the exploitation of our Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe located on the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Reservation in a community called Green Grass, South Dakota and,

Whereas, on March 8th & 9th, 2003, a meeting was held on the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Indian Reservation to protect our sacred ceremonies, due to the different types of abuse held in our ceremonies and,

Whereas, by the imposition of Paula Horne, this meeting was hosted by the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe in support of the proposal drafted by Paula Horne for her partner, Arvol Looking Horse, to call upon all spiritual leaders on these issues of abuse and,

Whereas, a Protection of Ceremonies Proclamation was readily drafted and adopted on the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Reservation without a consensus and,

Whereas, Arvol Looking Horse took it upon himself to end this meeting on his own consensus and,

Whereas, Paula Horne, the partner of Arvol Looking Horse has well exploited the Cannunpa by using it as a marketing tool to capitalize for her own personal wealth and gain, as well as for her children and,

Whereas, Paula Horne has been known by personal knowledge of family members, relatives, Tribal and Community members of her manipulation, lies, distortion, her negative personal traits ( arguing, condemning people, condoning to alcoholism and drugs around the Sacred area.) and also not respecting the laws by her keeping negativity around the sacred area and remaining next to the Sacred Cannunpa while is in her menstrual state and,

Whereas, Paula Horne is not any person with respect toward the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe that belongs to we/all the people as a whole and,

Whereas, by the consensus of the People at this meeting, October 21, 2006 to hold Paula as a perpetrator of abuse of our ceremonies and,

Therefore, by consensus of this docket, we demand that any official by law protect our Sacred Cannunpa and prevent Paula Horne be held accountable to the exploitation of our Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe and that she banned from all attendance and connections to our sacred ceremonies that lie on the LAWS and basis of our Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe and,

Therefore, be it that all signatures below agree to this petition and shall be laid as an IKCE Wicasa/Win law to uphold this docket on this 21st day of October, 2006.

About Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree

Tetuwan Lakota scholar, educator, historian, Sun Dance participant, Cannunpa carrier, cultural & spiritual preservationist, journalist-writer and fraud investigator.
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5 Responses to Take this Fulbright & Alton Carroll…and, read it. Paul Horne & Arvol Looking Horse denouced by the Cheyenne River Lakota Tetuwan Tribe!

  1. As a realistic remedy to the exploitation issue above, loss of our Tetuwan Spiritual history, & the threat of AIM (US Govt) possessing the Cannunpa Wakan, Tetuwan Oglala Ceremonial Chief & Holy Man, Frank Fools Crow in 1971, passed the Pte Hincala Cannunpa Kin to Calvin Dupree, when Dupree had the proper vision to carry the Cannunpa Wakan in 1970 at Frank Fools Crows arbor. Thus beginning the series of White Buffalo Calf Pipe Revival Ceremonies & accompanying Sun Dances 1971-1975, which started at Pine Ridge & completed at Green Grass, South Dakota with HakiktaWins adult naming ceremony by Frank Fools Crow.
    HakiktaWin-Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree, much to the dismay of many… is a registered member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe-Eagle Butte, South Dakota & has been a member since 1959.
    This WBCP Legacy Protection action by Frank Fools Crow, whether believed or not, is shown in the upcoming coffee table style photographic book from the private Calvin & Suzanne Dupree Tetuwan Minneconjou Lakota collection….
    Review what Frank Fools Crow left as a legacy to his Tetuwan people, protected & unexploited by Calvin Dupree & his daughter…Looking Back Woman for future generations & for all of mankind, as instructed by Whope, White Buffalo Calf Pipe Woman & our Father, Creator….then, make up your own mind as to what you wish to believe, teach your children & carry in your hearts.
    Verification of this information was gathered from notable Tetuwans, Beatrice Medicine and Phil Lane Senior before their deaths, as well as from Father Paul Manhart SJ, held hostage during the Seige of Wounded Knee by AIM, & co-author of the Lakota Dictionary with Father Bueshel.
    Pilamayaye yelo, Wakan Tanka…


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