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American Indian Movement – latest news

15 Feb 2011 Blood Quantum of American Indian Movement Leaders | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog Being lied to is awful!


 Have-to-be 20th century Indian leader roster:
1. Dennis Banks is 1/2 Indian..X Y Z ? A B * <————–> 1/2 non-Indian
2. Clyde Bellecourt is 1/16 Indian..X Y Z ? A B * <————-> 15/16 non-Indian
3. Vernon Bellecourt is 1/16 Indian..X Y Z ? A B * <————-> 15/16 non-Indian
4. Russell Means is 3/4 Indian..X Y Z A B * <—————> 4/16 non-Indian
5. Winona Laduke is 1/64 Indian..Y ? A * <————–> 63/64 Jewish entity
6. Leonard Peltier is 1/4 Indian..X Y Z ? A B * <—————> 3/4 non-Indian
7. Robert Robideau is 1/4 Indian..X Y Z ? A B * <—————> 3/4 non-Indian
8. Ward Churchill is 1/128 Indian..Y ? A B * <—————-> 127/128 non-Indian
9. John Trudell is 1/2 Indian..Y Z A B * <—————–> 1/2 non-Indian
10. Dino Butler is 1/2 Indian..X Y Z ? B * <—————-> 1/2 non-Indian
grand total DNA lineage: 2 59/64 Indian <——–>7 7/128 non-Indian
? = tribal or public search records do not support their tribal lineage allegations
X = they been incarcerated
Y = they have worked for a State or the US govt
Z = county jail time
A = public relations expert
B = has assaulted a real full blood Indian who questioned their Indian lineage
* = being of espanic descent, wearing stereotype Indian style jewelry or clothing, always being the first to call a press conference with the AP news media, adoption into a reservation family using old ceremonial rites or starting your own non-profit Indian support organization, does not establish nor automatically qualify you as a bone-fide American Indian leader.

Is the truth bothering you Boyz…game over!

About Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree

Tetuwan Lakota scholar, educator, historian, Sun Dance participant, Cannunpa carrier, cultural & spiritual preservationist, journalist-writer and fraud investigator.
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