Fraud found…by AIM, betraying Frank Fools Crow’s own words….!

To Whom it May Concern;
         I have tried to send one previous e-mail, and it may have gone to the wrong place or person,
or you may have thought it was a crank letter.
         I will try again.
         I am a researcher, and I have been researching the American Indian Movement, and their
embedding of a FRAUDULENT history into mainstream media, academia, and Hollywood.
         They are seen as noble and great heroes, bringing much dignity and respect to the
Indian people.
          I have heard eye witness accounts of their bully/abuse torments and rip-offs, all to
the tune of millions of dollars.  Maybe more over 40 to 45 years.
          THERE WAS A BOOK WRITTEN, and published in 1979 by Doubleday and Co., by
Thomas E. Mails, and translated by Dallas Chief Eagle, called “Fools Crow”.
          It is full of inaccuracies and lies.  It breaks my heart to see such a travesty still out
there, being circulated to educators, children, librairies etc.
          I know of an eyewitness and friend to Frank Fools Crow, and of a Lakota scholar,
who could accurately translate the recorded tapes, or notes that Thomas E. Mails kept
of their conversations, ie of discussions between Frank Fools Crow and Thomas E. Mails.
           You see, Dallas Chief Eagle was a Christianized Lakota, and proud AIM member,
unknown to elderly and dignified Grandfather Fools Crow.
            Grandfather Fools Crow was used and abused during his last years, as propaganda
for AIM, to legitimize their hold on power and sacred ceremony of the Lakota, Dakota,
and Nakota nations.
             I am an ESL/EFL teacher as well as a researcher, and I have learned to recognize
writer’s voices, which is, as you know, a primary goal of all beginning writers.  To find
their true ‘voice’.
              I can tell, in this book, due to my background and my research, when Frank Fools
Crow’s courtly and gracious and dignified voice was speaking, so the translator was telling
the truth, and when Dallas Chief Eagle 1 inserted his AIM lies into the book, unknown to Thomas E. Mails, who had no way of knowing Dallas was inserting AIM lies and propaganda into select parts
of the book, changing the truth for their-AIMs own agenda.
              Frank Fools Crow was told by Creator to speak the truth to Thomas E. Mails, and
AIM and Chief Eagle 1 did not want that truth to be known.  Frank Fools Crow did not speak
             Dallas Chief Eagle 2 has bragged to the world that his Dad was an AIM leader, and
good Christian.   He was neither.  He was a liar and a thief.  And Dallas Chief Eagle 2 is a
rambling incoherent git hanging out with Alex White Plume, who is an alleged AIM drug cartel leader
and drug runner through the Pine Ridge reserve.
             But that is background.
              What I want is someone to listen, to pick up the book, and to start thinking about
what I have said.
               I want to help rectify a wrong.
               If the family of Thomas E. Mails, or if you have the archived recordings of Frank Fools
Crow’s original discussions with Thomas E. Mails, please consider my help, and the help of
those persons who have no connection to AIM.
                AIM has many tentacles these days, and much support.  3 generations of it.  But a
Mafioso is a Mafioso.  So be careful.  They know how to compromise and threaten, destroy
documents, and buy off persons, faster than you can sneeze.
                 They know how to sidle up and be sweet as pie, asking for your friendship over a
power lunch, making you an honorary Sioux Chief (sic).
                 Thank you for your time.  Please show this letter to others, and consider what I
have said, what has happened.
                  A great wrong has been done, and I want to help make it right.
Voices of the People

About Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree

Tetuwan Lakota scholar, educator, historian, Sun Dance participant, Cannunpa carrier, cultural & spiritual preservationist, journalist-writer and fraud investigator.
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1 Response to Fraud found…by AIM, betraying Frank Fools Crow’s own words….!

  1. The roundup of those in perdition, Betrayers of Wakan Tanka/Jesus Christ is currently in play…
    There is NO redemption, your betrayal of Wakan Tanka/Jesus Christ & His divine Laws & JUSTICE have a one way ticket to Hell’s Fire, & HE, Christ controls your flatlining…
    So, those who are suppose to do the Right & Just actions will have to deal with the consequences of your free choice NOT to do the Right & Just thing when the irrefutable evidence is presented to you.
    You have NO other options, where attacks on HIS/CHRIST’S SPIRITUAL Beings sent from HIM is concerned.
    Hoka Hey…
    Hechetu elo,
    Pilamayaye yelo, Wakan Tanka/Jesus Christ!


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