Final Part – the Conclusion

Over the past weeks I have given readers various input that the Cannunpa Wakan brought to us as we were led by spirit to find the truth of why horrible atrocities, brutality, rape and violent murders were occurring globally. Some of this input was difficult to believe by some, but not all who have experienced it first hand, seen the proof of it with their own eyes, or witnessed it happening to friends or loved ones. As stated before myself, my loved ones, associates, research assistants and colleagues have experienced first hand phone taps, wire taps, electronic surveillance, mail opening and home invasion/ break-ins, with our senators, government and elected officials , local law enforcement refusing any relief, investigation, documentation, protection or law enforcement file numbers to have a record of these events occurring. They refused to even return a distress phone call, even after receiving an attorneys letter, cc’d to local Sheriffs office and to the perps who are being allowed to listen to our phone calls, divert calls/mail delivery, stalking, harassment, animal mutilations or poising, computer/cell phone hacking, all criminal offenses without just cause without our permission, without warrants or our having a criminal background or felony offenses past or present. we live not in a communist country, but in North America, the US and Canada supposedly the home of the free.

But are we really?

Today and every day our constitutional and civil rights are being violated by the very people who took an oath and vowed to serve and protect us; with a hunger and ever growing greed for more money and control over our very existence, as we are being forced into submission, our children brainwashed, our pay cheques stolen from us with ever growing taxes to provide for illegals’ perks we can’t ourselves even afford our own children and loved ones. All by executive orders, laws buried in bureaucratic paperwork so obscurely worded, written by government lawyers that even other attorneys and judges reading it take months to decipher the meaning. All the while the clock is ticking away towards a global civilization collapse. This course we are on currently is not sustainable as a middle class and poor become poorer, the richer elite, in many cases through stock manipulation, inside trading, hedge funds, obstructive corruption, cronyism and fraud increase their wealth.

Installations (military and religious) underground are being fortified and stocked. FEMA camps and border patrol facilities look more like Nazi concentration camps with razor wire to keep the unfortunate occupants in rather than evil forces out.

Is this build up of such facilities and disaster relief camps a dry run for what is to befall those deemed not elite?

And as you try to tear yourself, your children and loved ones away from their addition to their electronics long enough to ponder this realization we will share with you what our belief is, what it is all stemming from.


As Mother Earth descends into the very well planned, far reaching agenda of darkness, despair, helter skelter chaos of destruction, annihilation, and global communistic ideology we all are facing at this very moment in time; all humanity needs to become awakened, knowledgeable, aware – to realize what is the driving evil force behind the descent of mankind into the brutality, rape and violent murders of innocent men, women and children globally by the radicalized Islamic terrorists, (who our US president and his minion refuse to acknowledge or call it by name) whatever name you wish to choose to identify these global terrorists, their corrupted religious ideology and ultimate agenda for humanity.

We find (myself, colleagues, research assistants targeted by the left, the Code Pink communists USA who hide under the guise of peace and freedom fighters) our search for answers show by digging deep into ancient history, religion and the biblical record. The historical events of the bible up to the Prophet Jesus are accurate. Forensic geological evidence proves this beyond any doubt; this proof written and carved in stone, which still remains today.
After Jesus was murdered, his existence as a man was being destroyed, his wife slandered to be nothing but a whore, by men who wrote about God and Jesus afterwards, those wishing to use control, corrupt and manipulate Christian belief for money and power using religion to do so. The Knights Templar were burned at the stake much like the Jordanian pilot, caged and torched (Jan 3, 2015) by the Islamic terrorists. The Templars’ participation aided in keeping the truth alive about Jesus and his bloodline, the secrets, warnings of the Free Masons (dating back to ancient Egypt), saving sacred relics and ancient artifacts from falling into evil hands (which the Knights Templar and Free Masons brought to the new world, North America), with the belief of separation of church and state, by which our constitution and civil rights were written by our forefathers – many Free Masons that promised our freedom, free speech and thought. Currently all these ancient artifacts, relics, scrolls, tablets in stone, bloodlines, DNA evidence, are being systematically identified, located, seized and stolen; sold off to rich private collectors, hidden deep in museum basements, locked away at the Smithsonian, and in some cases, taken by dictators who call themselves presidents, to use the power within these sacred instruments from Creator for their own power and nefarious purpose.

Example: the portable Arc of the Covenant, the seven Lemba, black Jewish priests of the lost tribe of Israel, who carry this portable Arc of the Covenant into Africa, and why ISIS’ arm of terrorism is going from village to village in Africa (Zimbabwe) to destroy this sacred bloodline descending from Moses himself. The DNA matches perfectly with genetic markers of Hebrew priests of Israel today, the Cohen bloodline.
Why are the Jewish people the target of so many atrocities from the Egyptian pharaohs to the Nazis and now to ISIS terrorists? The eradication of truth and faith in God, our Father Creator and the miracles only he could create.

Man now wants to be God or Gods, creating a machine to mirror the big bang theory of creation, genetic manipulations, the list is endless. All to feed that which has been hidden, far underground and under sea, which feeds demonic evil, darkness and despair.

We are not alone, but the balance which Creator created in the beginning, is now seriously out of balance with the degrading and dismantling of woman’s place in that balance. They can harvest our eggs, create something in a test tube, manipulate genetics – but nothing can replace the divine feminine in nurturing and balance. Creator/God and woman are necessary to stop our impending annihilation, (smile) women are from Venus (Goddess of Love) – men are from Mars (the planet of War).

Our fate is written in the heavens, do not be blinded by trickery. Awaken and seize the day.

We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are,
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson; Ulysses

About Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree

Tetuwan Lakota scholar, educator, historian, Sun Dance participant, Cannunpa carrier, cultural & spiritual preservationist, journalist-writer and fraud investigator.
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10 Responses to Final Part – the Conclusion

  1. Reblogged this on Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog and commented:


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  2. Changing settings just lets us know you view us as a threat!
    We take that as a compliment we are doing exactly what we are suppose to be doing to fight SPIRITUAL Evil in High Places.
    Though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I Shall fear no Evil…. for Thou is always with me!
    Praise be to our Lord God & Jesus Christ our Savior!

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  3. Pingback: Final Part – the Conclusion/The Rapture is Eminent! | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

  4. More dispicable acts against Wakan Tanka/Jesus Christ, the innocent & good left in this World funded secretly by your very Corrupt US Govt, allowed unchecked by your Congress, politicians, etc. right in the heart of our food source heartland…

    Post exposing the sickest, most vile abomination of betrayers of Wakan Tanka/Jesus Christ!

    US Government Funds Frankenstein Animal-Human Hybrid Project (Video)

    In the following video, you’ll learn that the National Institutes of Health is proposing a new policy to permit scientists to get federal money to make embryos, known as chimeras, under certain carefully monitored conditions. For me, this is the final nail in the coffin that the U.S. moral compass is dead and gone. One issue with making what are known as chimeras, is that scientists might inadvertently create animals that have partly human brains, endowing them with some semblance of human consciousness or human thinking abilities. Another is that they could develop into animals with human sperm and eggs and breed, producing human embryos or fetuses inside animals or hybrid creatures.

    Critics denounced the decision. “Science fiction writers might have imagined worlds like this — like The Island of Dr. Moreau, Brave New World, Frankenstein,” says Stuart Newman, a biologist at New York Medical College. “There have been speculations. But now they’re becoming more real. And I think that we just can’t say that since it’s possible then let’s do it.”

    The US government have approved federal funding for research related to the creation of animal-human hybrids known as chimeras. 

    The National Institute of Health say the money will be used to create hybrid embryos in the hope of finding cures for existing diseases. reports:

    The federal government announced plans Thursday to lift a moratorium on funding of certain controversial experiments that use human stem cells to create animal embryos that are partly human.

    One issue is that scientists might inadvertently create animals that have partly human brains, endowing them with some semblance of human consciousness or human thinking abilities. Another is that they could develop into animals with human sperm and eggs and breed, producing human embryos or fetuses inside animals or hybrid creatures.

    The policy proposes prohibiting the introduction of certain types of human cells into embryos of nonhuman primates, such as monkeys and chimps, at even earlier stages of development than what was currently prohibited.

    But the policy would lift the moratorium on funding experiments involving other species. Because of the ethical concerns, though, at least some of the experiments would go through an extra layer of review by a new, special committee of government officials.

    Animals will also be created that are capable of producing human eggs and sperm in order to study human development and infertility.

    This is what PETA’s Senior Vice President of Laboratory Investigations had to say on the matter:

    Consciousness, thoughts, and emotions are not unique to the human animal. We share them with all other species. So if it is morally problematic to experiment on a chimera containing human cells, then it is wrong — and always has been — to experiment on the dogs, monkeys, and mice now used by the millions in laboratories. Scientists should not be supremacists. They can and must stop harming all animals.




    Wikipedia Defines Plum Island as:

    An island in the Town of Southold inSuffolk County, New York in the United States. The Island is situated inGardiners Bay, east of Orient Point, off the eastern end of the North Fork coast of Long Island. It is about 3 miles (4.8 km) long and 1-mile (1.6 km) wide at its widest point.

    The Island is the site of the Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) which was established by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 1954. The Island is also the site of the former U.S. military installation Fort Terry (c. 1897), and the historic Plum Island Light (c. 1869), and its automated replacement.

    Plum Island is owned in its entirety by the United States Government, which was considering sale of the Island as part of a debt-reduction package, but suspended the plan in February 2012. Access to the island is controlled by theUnited States Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

    On August 29, 2013, the United States General Services Administration (GSA) and United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a final “Record of Decision (ROD): Public Sale of Plum Island, New York”.



    When it comes to the U.S. government, you simply can’t even make this stuff up it’s so insane. I can’t convince people of how very real the threat of Martial Law is, because they believe their government would never hurt them, and a story this big is flying right beneath the radar of 99.9999% of Americans. Why is it such a big deal that the Plum Island Animal Disease Center is moving to the heartland of America? Now that the U.S. government is going to be in the practice of creating genetic hybrids that we KNOW about called chimeras, perhaps security will be better at the new inland facility at Kansas State University. It better be, because the abomination shown below escaped the island facility and washed up on shore in New York for families to find:

    Here are FOUR more reasons the Plum Island Animal Disease Center should remain on the island:

    1) The Plum Island Animal Disease Center is a Biosafety Level 3 Ag (agriculture) facility, certified to perform research on potentially lethal agents that can be spread by inhalation (there is a REASON the facility was put on an island-more on that later);

    2) One of the former Nazi scientists involved during the early development of Plum Island and brought to the U.S. under Operation Paperclip was Dr. Erich Traub. Dr. Traub was in charge of the Nazi Third Reich’s virological and bacteriological warfare program during World War II. Any bastard creation of his belongs far from civilized humanity;

    3) The facility is moving to Kansas State University, right in the middle of cattle and tornado country (a worse place could not have been scripted if they tried); and

    4) The U.S. government’s AWFUL track record of letting some of the worst diseases known to man “accidentally” leak out including but not limited to live anthrax spores, H5N1 bird influenza, and the U.S. government’s PATENTED version of the Ebola virus in 2014.. 

    In the video below, the RT reports on the mind boggling decision to move of the facility that sounds like it’s right out of a science fiction movie from its isolated home on an island to the middle of cattle country and tornado ally, and all the risk associated with the move. Given what we found out when the Secret Identity of Georgia Guide Stone’s Founder Was Revealed, and the founder’s relationship to the New World Order, it seems a bit more than “coincidence” that a center housing the most deadly diseases known to mankind is moving to the heart of the nation’s food source. Remember, the “First Commandment” of the New World Order involves massive depopulation and reads: 


    We now live in a country where it is more important to be politically correct than accurate, allow me to introduce to you the part of our history books that is conveniently left out, because it might hurt peoples’ “feelings.” Most people have never learned that many of the genius (I use the term loosely) minds who formed the bedrock of our country’s most top secret programs after World War II (most of which continue to this day) were former Nazi officers that were given a “pass” for war crimes by the U.S. government under”Operation Paperclip,” and allowed to continue their work here in America. Let that sink in for a minute. 

    Among the scientists in that group was Dr. Erich Traum and Wernher von Braun.Wernher von Braun is never talked about in the U.S. as a former Nazi S.S. officer who was personally promoted three times byHeinrich Himmler, Hitler’s head of the German S.S.. Instead, von Braun is known as the “Father of Rocket Science” for his work on the Saturn Rocket that eventually took NASA into space, and remains to this day the most powerful rocket ever launched by man. Dr. Erich Traum was the lab chief of Insel Riems – a secret Nazi biological warfare laboratory on a crescent-shaped island nestled in the Baltic Sea (which had the cover name of “Cancer Research Program”), and also happened to be a personal favorite of Adolf Hitler’s second-in-charge, SS Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler, because of his work on live germ trials. . . .” 

    While Traub was in the S.S., he KILLED HUNDREDS of human subjects in his gruesome experiments, including experiments with disease carrying ticks.Despite Traub’s history with Hitler’s S.S., the U.S. Navy recruited him under”Operation Paperclip,” and stationed him at the Naval Medical Research Institute in Bethesda, Maryland.” That much cannot be disputed. In former Justice Department prosecutor John Loftus’s book, The Belarus Secret, Loftus discusses work being done on Plum Island in the early 1950’s in which Nazi scientists were experimenting on diseased ticks. Coincidence? You tell me. Do you know where Lyme Disease originated in the U.S.? Look into it. Then Answer. For the record, Dr. Traub can be physically placed on Plum Island at least three times-on dedication day in 1956 (where eye witnesses say he was visibly very jittery) and two visits, once in 1957 and again in the spring of 1958. There is plenty of other evidence to suggest his involvement with the facility as well if you choose to look into it further. 

    In the third video, Dr. Igbo Abasiama, Chief Professor and Researcher of Cryptozoology at Kinshasa University, Democratic Republic of the Congo, discusses the work on Plum Island, a mysterious United States federal research facility allegedly dedicated to the study of animal diseases, but the truth is far more disturbing…

    Ronald Ray at the American Free Press writes:

    Are U.S. Centers for Disease Control greatest bioterror threat?

    Planned national Bio and Agro-Defense Facility may endanger American heartland.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and associated research facilities are supposed to be the safest and most secure medical laboratories in the world, providing cutting-edge innovations in protecting and improving human, animal and plant health. But recent near-disasters point up years of ongoing systemic failures and apparent cover-ups, suggesting that the CDC may pose a bioterror threat greater than the potential hazards it is supposed to mitigate.

    Combine this sort of dangerous human “error” with the new National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF), planned near downtown Manhattan, Kansas (2010 pop. 52,281), to replace the aging Plum Island center, and it may be only a matter of time before the heart of America is struck by a health catastrophe or depopulation event, which could quickly destroy the largest part of United States agriculture or livestock production and endanger the health and lives of millions of Americans.

    In ongoing research and reporting, USA Today has exposed major safety and security lapses at the CDC’s flagship research facility in Atlanta, Georgia and elsewhere. Notable problems have been documented by the Department of Health and Human Services inspector general to extend back almost a decade, including security, access, handling and training deficiencies involving the world’s deadliest pathogens. Over 1,000 significant incidents were reported just during 2009-2012—literally a daily occurrence in a five-day work week.

    This past June, CDC scientists shipped live anthrax spores, which they had failed to inactivate properly, to other laboratories. At least 86 people were exposed as a result. Because the dangerous spores may have been aerosolized, the labs had to be closed and decontaminated. In July, the Food and Drug Administration’s National Institutes of Health discovered uncatalogued, decades-old vials of live smallpox virus in cold storage at a facility.

    In August, the CDC admitted that one of their scientists seriously mishandled H5N1 bird influenza, because he was in a hurry to get to a meeting. The researcher initially lied to investigators about his behavior. Contaminated virus samples were sent to another lab, which discovered the lapse when their study birds died. One official said it was only “very lucky” that something worse did not occur. Had environmental release occurred, it could have caused the poultry industry catastrophic loss and a possible transfer to human beings. Unfound, the mishandling also would have caused widespread errors in influenza research.

    But when the NBAF—currently under construction— is completed, the likelihood of human, animal and plant exposure to deadly pathogens and toxins, whether accidental or intentional, will multiply significantly. Economic consequences would run into the billions of dollars. A 2009 Congressional Research Service report raised major risk issues like often-violent Kansas storms, importation of animal hoof and mouth disease to the mainland and lack of adequate containment measures. A 463-page, 2010 Department of Homeland Security risk assessment, however, appears to have whitewashed the dangers in order to obtain congressional funding.

    Past efforts by this writer, who lives downwind of NBAF, to bring dangers to the attention of politicians were brushed off with vague assertions of allegedly adequate safety measures, the details of which remain conveniently “classified”. The CDC history, however, confirms the dangerous truth.

    But for a perceived, relatively minor and short-term economic benefit, congresspersons and senators have sold their souls to the plutocratic demands of Big Ag, Big Pharma and the chamber of commerce, while ignoring the protests of concerned citizens.

    The program manager of NBAF and the offices of Representatives Tim Huelskamp (R), who represents most of rural Kansas, and Fred Upton (R-Mich.), chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Energy & Commerce, all failed to respond to this newspaper’s requests for interviews.

    Ronald L. Ray is a freelance author and an assistant editor of THE BARNES REVIEW. He is a descendant of several patriots of the American War for Independence.Finally, in the third video, see the full length episode when former Governor Jesse Ventura investigated the Plum Island Facility in his show Conspiracy Theory.

    *Jesse Ventura is a sniveling cowardly vulture, suing Chris Kyle’s widow…
    Kyle is an American hero who kept America & Americans safe, & the opinion of his death by a PTSD deranged vet is hogwash, it was a setup.


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    Proof Massive Underground Military Bases and Complex Tunnels are Real (Videos)

    Obama: Be Ready For EMP Attacks, Engineered Pandemics, Massive Earthquakes, and Martial Law (Videos)

    Why Is The Federal Government Installing Mysterious Boxes On Utility Poles? (Videos)

    Secret FEMA Meeting Discovered Some Very Bad News For Mankind (Video)

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    Secret Banker Meeting in New York Unveils New Digital Cash System (Video)

    When Obama Suspends 2016 Election, a Guide to Survive Martial Law (Videos)

    All Armed Americans To Be Detained In FEMA Camps Starting In 2017? (Video)

    Weaponized Cell Towers Are Directly Related to Why Chemtrails Are Sprayed (Video)

    More on Why Weaponized Cell Phone Towers Are Popping Up Everywhere (Video)

    Why Are Weaponized Cell Phone Towers Being Constructed Everywhere?

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    Why Are the Super Rich Leaving Major Cities, Even Renouncing Citizenship (Videos)

    Defense Department’s DARPA Wants EEG Brain Readers in Every Classroom (Videos)

    What are the Mysterious Panama Papers? Who Was Left Out And Why


    In the video, the RT reports on the mind boggling decision to move of the facility that sounds like it’s right out of a science fiction movie from its isolated home on an island to the middle of cattle country and tornado ally, and all the risk associated with the move. Given what we found out when the Secret Identity of Georgia Guide Stone’s Founder Was Revealed, and the founder’s relationship to the New World Order, it seems a bit more than “coincidence” that a center housing the most deadly diseases known to mankind is moving to the heart of the nation’s food source. Remember, the “First Commandment” of the New World Order involves massive depopulation and reads: 



    5 Things the Establishment Slipped By You While Focusing Solely on Orlando Shooting (Video)

    G. Edward Griffin: This Story Could Be the Smoking Gun for All False-Flag Ops

    Prepping: Know Where FEMA Camps Are Before Martial Law Gets Declared (Videos)

    Proof Massive Underground Military Bases and Complex Tunnels are Real (Videos)

    Obama: Be Ready For EMP Attacks, Engineered Pandemics, Massive Earthquakes, and Martial Law (Videos)

    Why Is The Federal Government Installing Mysterious Boxes On Utility Poles? (Videos)

    When Obama Suspends 2016 Election, a Guide to Survive Martial Law (Videos)

    All Armed Americans To Be Detained In FEMA Camps Starting In 2017? (Video)

    Why Are Weaponized Cell Phone Towers Being Constructed Everywhere?

    More on Why Weaponized Cell Phone Towers Are Popping Up Everywhere (Video)

    Weaponized Cell Towers Are Directly Related to Why Chemtrails Are Sprayed (Video)

    Defense Department’s DARPA Deploying New Autonomous Killer Drones (Video)

    Shocking Revelation? Obama’s Drones Are Now Targeting Non-Military (Video)

    Do Americans Live in a False Reality Created by Orchestrated Events? (Videos)

    Top Secret Black Ops and the Rapid Rise Of Autonomous Killer Robots (Videos)

    Defense Department’s DARPA Wants EEG Brain Readers in Every Classroom (Videos)


    Corporate greed…
    However, dead greedy Corrupt men & women have no need for money at their final destination with their fellow like minded doers of evil for Satan….in Hell’s Fire!
    Proper justice shall be served by Christ when He cleanses His World of Satan & his minion!


  5. Pingback: Notice to Syndicate of Satan/Status Quo | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog


    The Blue Star Kachina of the Hopi Prophesy has appeared in the heavens to destroy the acts of evil such as the atrocities being done to children globally…
    Let R Rip!

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  7. Pingback: Arvol Looking Horse NEVER had the “Calf Pipe” academia’s lie! | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

  8. Pingback: Final Part – the Conclusion: CHRIST IS KING! | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

  9. Pingback: Final Part – the Conclusion, and WHOM has the Final Word…CHRIST! | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

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