Spirituality is not found by mentors who are murderers, liars, thieves & rapists!

Recently I have had numerous interviews, events, speaking engagements by the American Indian Movement (AIM) sent to me to keep me aware of the propaganda activities that are occuring to offset the bad press of the recent conviction & sentencing to life in prison of John Boy Graham Patton in the murder of beloved Anna Mae Aquash in 1975 on the orders of AIM hiarchy leadership.

The hijacking of Lakota spirituality by AIM & Arvol Looking Horse, has continued before & since the true Ceremonial-Traditional Lakota Elders & others who knew the truth crossed over to the otherside camp, has been allowed to run rampent by academia, the media, & Hollyweird without any substancial evidence or proof of AIM or ALHs claims of true core Traditional Lakota values, their right to do so, or the false explaination of Native self-determination.

One must understand Lakota protocols to understand the hypocracy of what has happened to people truly seeking acurate & real Lakota spirituality. As an authenic Lakota Spiritual Leader you cannot lie, cheat, steal, let alone murder & rape, & then become a Traditional Lakota Spiritual Leader.

You cannot do this with blood on your hands or withold knowledge of victims murdered by those who have committed the crime. By doing so, you are as guilty as the one who murdered in the eyes of Creator.

We do not have born agains, our Lakota Spiritual Leaders are developed from birth by the Traditional Lakota Elders by valued traits shown to them by the child after he or she is born.

Murder is not justified or allowed in the name of self-determination for Native peoples, as AIM has explained for their actions at Wounded Knee, & before & after the organizations conception & creation by the very men responsible for the murder-execution of Anna Mae Aquash.

There are 7 people hidden-buried at Wounded Knee who went in as supporters & saw the hypocracy of AIM leadership, protested & ended up being murdered, never leaving Wounded Knee, their final resting place without closure for their families & loved ones, does the seem reasonable behavior for Lakota Spiritual Leaders within the American Indian Movement….

If it does, it does not serve you to embrace the truth, your entire personal identity revolves around the lies of AIM & ALH, & all who know the truth must pray for you & your deliverance from evil.

This is not Lakota Spirituality, the killing of the innocent, or people who may be thought  to threaten AIM & ALHs cultural & spiritual carnage, that has gone on since 1968, when AIM & ALH came into our collective conscience falsely as the liberators of Native peoples oppression, when truthfully AIM & ALH were the Trojan Horse of Native peoples world wide, & do what they do for their own personal enrichment & the suppression of their fellow Native people through their violence & abuses.

When you closely research their blood quantum, of which AIM & ALH have made into such an issue spiritually, none of them other than ALH is full-blood or even from the rez, being in reality, merely urban domestic terrorists.

If you are interested in Lakota Spirituality, AIM nor ALH would be the direction recommended by practicing Lakota of our beliefs or Sacred Lifeways.

About Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree

Tetuwan Lakota scholar, educator, historian, Sun Dance participant, Cannunpa carrier, cultural & spiritual preservationist, journalist-writer and fraud investigator.
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2 Responses to Spirituality is not found by mentors who are murderers, liars, thieves & rapists!

  1. jpwade says:

    Reblogged this on Influenced to Death and commented:
    “The hijacking of Lakota spirituality by AIM & Arvol Looking Horse, has continued before & since the true Ceremonial-Traditional Lakota Elders & others who knew the truth crossed over to the otherside camp, has been allowed to run rampent by academia, the media, & Hollyweird without any substancial evidence or proof of AIM or ALHs claims of true core Traditional Lakota values, their right to do so, or the false explaination of Native self-determination.

    One must understand Lakota protocols to understand the hypocracy of what has happened to people truly seeking acurate & real Lakota spirituality. As an authenic Lakota Spiritual Leader you cannot lie, cheat, steal, let alone murder & rape, & then become a Traditional Lakota Spiritual Leader.” ~ Looking Back Woman – suzanne Dupree ~

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Richard Boyden says:

    Reblogged this on richardboydenreport and commented:
    Aim LEADERS and their “spiritually complicit” in their cold blooded murders, rapes, pedophile activities, drugs will get their “Spiritual Reality Check” when they DIE and enter the “spirit world of HELL”!


    James and Charlie Absourezk, Dennis Banks, Clyde Bellecourt, Leonard Peltier, Richard Marshall, Means family still alive, Richard “MR. FBI” Two Elk, Dino Butler, David Hill, Synagogue of JEW Attorney, FBI liars Joseph and John Trimbach authors of American Indian Mafia which is FULL OF LIES, Black Judge and friend of AIM Michael Davis, ALL JEW ATTORNEYS working to cover up AIM’s crimes, FBI, BIA, Eccoffey, Madonna Thunder Hawk, Lorelei DeCora Means who let Black man Perry Ray Robinson bleed to death after being shot by AIM at Wounded Knee.

    And of course OBAMA who knows everything about AIM because his “Oral Office Middle East Advisor and Mentor” was the “Syrian Sioux” Senator James Absourezk!

    And all those who know and knew the truth and have kept silent to this day as if that will help them when they come before Wakan Tanka even Jesus Christ.

    The blood of those murdered cries out from the ground to this day and be assured the Justice and Judgement of Almighty God will claim YOU THE GUILTY and send you to a place custom made and prepared for all those who are the spiritual progeny of “The Liar and Murderer From The Beginning” where YOU will be with HIM YOUR GOD IN ETERNITY!

    Even so AMEN!


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