Lucy Looking Horse, NOT Martha Bad Warrior…where the lie began about the White Buffalo Calf Cannunpa (Pipe)

The woman directly behind Martha is Lucy, now look at this pi… on Twitpic

This is Lucy Looking Horse not Martha Bad Warrior, look at this pi… on TwitpicThis photo from the Smithsonian is not Martha Bad Warrior, it is Arvol Looking Horses
Grandmother Lucy Looking Horse, who began the lie about the White Buffalo Calf Pipe
in 1936 by taking her Mother Martha Bad Warriors identity, moving into her Mother Martha home, & beginning to charge to see the White Buffalo Calf Pipe, after Marthas death in Oct 1936.
Read Quest for the Pipe of the Sioux, As Viewed from Wounded Knee by Wilbur A Riegert, curator for the Wounded Knee Museum during the Seige of Wounded Knee, & allotment agent at Cheyenne River, who recorded Martha Bad Warriors last telling of the discription, origin, linage & ceremonial use of the original White Buffalo Calf Cannunpa (Pipe).
Wilburs trailer home in Wounded Knee was taken over by the American Indian Movement during the Seige of Wounded Knee, used as AIMs security headquarters, where AIM stole Wilbur Riegerts, the Gilldersleeves & the Wounded Knee Museums Lakota artifacts, & tried to destroy the manuscript for Quest for the Pipe of the Sioux, As Viewed From Wounded Knee, so AIM could hijack the spiritul legacy of the original White Buffalo Calf Pipe, using Arvol Looking Horse as the supposed 19th Generation White Buffalo Calf Pipe Keeper fraudulently, & for AIM & ALHs personal enrichment as agents for the government to control the Sacred Lakota Lifeways,Teachings & Cannunpa Wakan of the Tetuwan Nations.
View the Marie Elk Head Fiddlers Utube video about Arvol Looking Horse, or the Looking Horse Family ever having the White Buffalo Calf Pipe, & AIM trying to locate the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe in 1972, with ALH & his Father, Stanley, taking an ordinary Pipe off the wall & saying…This Is It to satisfy AIM leadership. 

AIM murdered their own AIM members & supporters, Anna Mae Aquash, Buddy Lamont & seven other people there in support of  AIM during the Seige of Wounded Knee, whos remains were not found to this day, one being Ray Robinson, whos mentor was the beloved Martin Luther King Jr. before Kings death. 
AIM murdered anyone AIM felt were a threat to their personal agenda, enrichment & takeover of Lakota Sacred Lifeways, Cannunpa & teachings.
The Riegerts & Gillersleeves were the same Native blood, Chippewa, as Dennis Banks is…there was nothing about self determination for Native people by the American Indian Movement during the Seige of Wounded Knee, or by their supporters, the media or anyone enabling AIM, before, during or after AIMs conception.

Read on the blood quantum of AIM leadership & members, AIM did not have any tribal authority to do what they did representing the Lakota & other Native peoples.
AIM did this solely for their own personal enrichment at the expense of the Lakota people with the funding & support from an arm of the US government, & could not have existed without it, reference & verified on
Also, read the Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree Wordpress blog on Russell Means ENEMY OF THE US, & the accompanying comment verifying Means desire for the US demise, his lack of Lakota blood, as Means & AIM are domestic, urban terrorists, Means… who is not even Lakota, & who has said he has seceded Lakota territory from the US without a drop of blood of Lakota in his veins is a fraud, pedofile, & LIAR!!!
Know who you support Hollyweird, International Communities, media & academia…there is only two sides to this issue of this extraoridnary historical hoax & fraud of the American Indian Movement & Arvol Looking Horse…the Good Red Road of the original White Buffalo Calf Cannunpa (Pipe), or the Black-Blue Road of despair & destruction, there is no middle ground, only the truth!
These AIMsters are NOT good Role Models or Heros of Native people!!!!

About Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree

Tetuwan Lakota scholar, educator, historian, Sun Dance participant, Cannunpa carrier, cultural & spiritual preservationist, journalist-writer and fraud investigator.
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11 Responses to Lucy Looking Horse, NOT Martha Bad Warrior…where the lie began about the White Buffalo Calf Cannunpa (Pipe)

  1. It is about time Giago was asked about Charles Abourzek being at (Kill) Bill Means house the night before Anna Maes murder when Rios, Graham & Looking Cloud came by Means home on their way to Dick Marshals house to pick up the weaon used to murder Anna Mae, & Charles Abourzek did nothing to stop her murder by AIM. He is now a Supreme Court Judge & practicing law out of Rapid City, South Dakota. Charles Father, James Abourezk, was Senator of South Dakota during the Seige of Wounded Knee. Charlie now is writing laws for the Lakota & their lands. James Abourezk invited Oglala Ceremonial Chief & Holy Man, Frank Fools Crow to open the Senate with a prayer in 1970. Abourzek Is Tim Giagos attorney. I wonder what took Giagos soooo long to write this article about AIM & Wounded Knee. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tim Giago:

    Wounded Knee occupation was serious AIM blunder Monday, February 14, 2011

    Filed Under: Opinion

    There are posters floating about and advertisements asking residents of the Pine Ridge Reservation to celebrate the “Liberation” of Wounded Knee in February of 1973. This action causes many of us old timers to scratch our heads in wonderment and ask ourselves, what is it that was liberated? Were the nearly 35 residents of Wounded Knee who saw their homes seized, looted and eventually burned to the ground liberated? There homes have never been rebuilt and many of them had to move into already overcrowded homes with relatives. Thirty eight years after the occupation of their hometown by the American Indian Movement they have had to find other homes in other places. Was the Wounded Knee Trading Post liberated? The Post was also thoroughly looted and eventually burned to the ground. Clive and Agnes Gildersleeve, the elderly couple who owned the Trading Post since about 1932, were taken as hostages, knocked around and terrified by the occupiers. In order to justify their criminal actions the leaders of AIM vilified Clive and Agnes. They painted them as white trading post owners who ripped off the local Indians for years. Agnes Gildersleeve just happened to be an Ojibwe Indian, but that bit of information was swept under the rug. It would have been easy for me, as it turned out to be easy for other star struck innocents, to believe this propaganda, had I had not lived at Wounded Knee in the mid-nineteen thirties where my father, Tim, worked as a clerk and butcher for the Gildersleeves at the Wounded Knee Trading Post. My father always spoke highly of the Gildersleeves and he found them to be honest people who worked very hard seven-days-a-week to keep the trading post and grocery store open for the customers of Wounded Knee and the surrounding communities. When the Post was burned to the ground in 1973 it left the local residents without a grocery store for miles. They had to travel to Pine Ridge Village or Martin or Gordon to get their groceries. It created a terrific hardship on them. Is this the liberation they are celebrating? I would ask local residents of Pine Ridge and all of the tourists that might visit the reservation in the near future to take a drive to Wounded Knee and see all of the burned out homes and the burned out Trading Post and ask themselves if this horror signifies liberation. Liberation means to set a path to freedom and the only freedom experienced by the residents and store owners of Wounded Knee was the loss of everything they owned. They were freed of all their possessions by thieves. The store was never rebuilt and the looted and damaged homes were never rebuilt. Is that liberation? I am sure AIM can come up with a hundred reasons why this destruction was necessary. I can’t think of one. The innocent people of Wounded Knee never did anything to AIM to deserve this treatment at their hands. They just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The occupation of Wounded Knee was a serious blunder by the American Indian Movement. From the day they set foot in Wounded Knee and took the first hostages they set themselves on a path of violence that did not end until Anna Mae Pictou Aquash was violently raped and murdered near Wanblee two years later. Two of the “liberators” of Wounded Knee, Arlo Looking Cloud and John “Boy” Graham, are now looking out between the bars of federal and state prisons. They will be spending the rest of their lives as prisoners who took orders from someone more powerful than they to end the life of an innocent Mi’kmag woman from Nova Scotia because it was rumored she was an FBI informant. In order to cover this heinous crime AIM leaders spread the propaganda that Anna Mae was a victim of the FBI and when the truth finally came out, the woman they hailed as a heroine went to her grave without a single leader of AIM in sight. There are many rumors of bodies still buried in the ashes of Wounded Knee and it behooves the government of the Oglala Sioux Tribe stop celebrating long enough to find those bodies if indeed, they do exist. Perhaps the Tribe should hold a service to honor the real victims of Wounded Knee and choose not to honor the criminals who brought about the destruction of this historic village


  2. Pingback: 94 views in one day…what people were viewing on Looking Back Womans WordPress blog…June 16, 2011 | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

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  5. Reblogged this on Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog and commented:

    Watch the Marie Elk Head Fiddler Utube video for the verification of the Arvol Looking Horse fraud, the biggest hoax in history that the Smithsonian & Raymond Demallie supported & promoted by using Wilbur Riegert’s copyrighted Aug 1936 photo of Martha Bad Warrior & Lucy Looking Horse by changing the provenance of the Riegert photo from the truth to the Looking Horse lie-fraud!!!
    They both have financially benefited from using & selling the copyrighted Riegert photo, but have refused for years to make the necessary correction at the SI to have accurate information accompanying the copyrighted Riegert photo, though Demallie chose to overlook Riegert’s accurate documentation of the Pte Hincala Cannunpa Kin in I am a Sioux Indian, & Quest for the Pipe of the sioux, As Viewed From Wounded Knee.


  6. Pingback: Top searches…on Looking Back Woman WordPress blog! | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

  7. It is amazing you hackers who have taken down the pics of Martha Bad Warrior here & other pics off my website, we are on to you…you will NOT stop the truth from being hidden…besides, those pics are hidden all over the place, so they can be replaced & reposted, we just wanted to see what you would do, how you would do it, & what was most important to have removed from the & Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree WordPress blog….


  8. Pingback: Just so you know…we know…… | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

  9. Just one word, when they mess with you when hacking, can change everything you are trying to say…good try bad guys….


  10. You will not stop the truth from being revealed is what it was suppose to say….


  11. Pingback: Lucy Looking Horse, NOT Martha Bad Warrior…where the lie began about the White Buffalo Calf Cannunpa (Pipe), finally…the unknowing, uninformed AIM hero worshipers are finding out they’ve been fooled! | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree b

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